Friday, June 25, 2010

We interrupt your irregularly scheduled educational ramblings... bring you eerie/ whimsical foxes frolicking in what appears to be a red, empty diner.  (Sandy Skoglund's Fox Games installation at the Denver Art Museum.)

For my major pre-ISTE sightseeing day, I was debating whether to go to the Denver Art Museum or the Museum of Contemporary Art (not to be mistaken for one another).

Then I found out out that the Denver Art Museum building is by Daniel Libeskind, which made my decision for me.

Libeskind designed the Jewish Museum of Berlin, which I visited during my National Endowment for the Humanities Teacher Institute on the Holocaust in 2008.

His spaces force you to interact with the setting, not just the exhibits.  There are unexpected angles, nooks, patterns of light.  You round a corner and see somewhere you have just been from a completely different perspective.

Even if you can only spend a couple of hours, it's worth the price of admission just to explore the space.

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